florida ants lawncare extraordinaire

What About Florida Ants?

Florida ants always get a bad reputation. There are so many of them, they get into everything, and they can be difficult to get rid of. However, as long as they stay out of our homes, ants are actually beneficial to the backyard gardener. So, put down the insecticide and learn a little more about these misunderstood creatures. You may ...
florida butterflies lawncare extraordinaire

Florida Butterflies

How can we help Florida butterflies survive? Butterfly species across the Northern United States are decreasing in population at alarming rates. The Monarch butterfly, one of the most well-known species, has received the most attention as its spectacular migrations have noticeably fewer butterflies with every passing year. However, factors that are causing this decrease in Monarch population are taking a toll ...
White Grubs in My Yard

White Grubs in My Yard

White Grubs will eventually grow up to be June Beetles, also known as May Beetles. Gardeners frequently find these C-shaped bugs in their gardens and lawns. They are easily identifiable by their white body, legs located near their head, and their classic C-shape. These pests feed on the roots of grass causing damage and can even kill the lawn where ...
Pest Control For Hurricane Season Lawncare Extraordinaire

Pest Control For Hurricane Season

Pest control for hurricane season is important to consider when hurricane season rolls around. Homeowners see an increase in pest infestations. As we are busy getting ready for the coming storms so are all of the local wildlife. Larger animals tend to leave the area but even the smallest of creatures are getting ready to ride out the weather. If ...
Termites In Your Home

Termites In Your Home

Just the mention of termites in your home is enough to terrify any homeowner. These tiny insects can go unnoticed for years wreaking havoc on your home. We've all seen homes tented for days to fully eliminate these destructive pests. As a responsible homeowner it's important to be aware that any home is susceptible. This means that you need to ...
Flour Moth, Pantry Moth (Ephestia kuehniella)

How to Deal with Pantry Moth

Nothing beats homemade cookies, it's one of the best smells in the world to come home to. But nothing seems worse than opening your bag of flour to discover pantry moths have taken over. Although there are several types of moth that could find their way into your flour and other pantry items, they are most likely pantry pests or ...
restaurant pest control

Why Restaurant Pest Control

Restaurant pest control is something owners and managers may feel hesitant about.  They may be reluctant to hire a pest control professional even if they have seen a few bugs running around. They may be trying to save money, or fear what people will think, but regardless of the reasoning, maintaining a healthy and clean environment is essential for a ...
pest control safe

Is Pest Control Safe for Pets

Is pest control safe for pets and small children? After finding pests in your home and deciding it is time to treat for them you may wonder what affect the pesticides can have on your pets. Prior to having a pest control professional come out it is a good idea to discuss with them what pets you have in the ...
afraid of spiders

Why are People Afraid of Spiders?

Why is it common for people to be afraid of spiders? Fear for a lot of people, after all they have so many legs, creepy bodies, and run all over the place. We don't often think if this fear is warranted or not, we just know that we don't want them anywhere near us or in our house. But science ...
keep mice out of food

How To Keep Mice Out Of Your Home

Keep mice out of your home, because they are a nuisance and something that many people will have to deal with at some point in their lives. Even in a warm climate such as Florida, mice can find their way into our homes. This is especially common as temperatures start to cool off. By taking a few precautions you can ...